Sugarcane Roller Perfume Oil


A hydrating oil that also functions as an intoxicating natural perfume, how much simpler can it get? Throw in your bag and hydrate your skin anywhere, anytime. 

We proudly use local Hawaiian vanilla and clary sage (a sweet, violet, flowering plant) essential oils from the Big Island, then infuse them with Hawaiian Macadamia nut and coconut oils. 

As you use this oil, we hope you are transported to the Hamakua Coast of Hawai'i Island, where abandoned sugarcane fields once powered the largest sugar industry in the world, and brought a mixing pot of cultures from around the world to settle in the islands. 

Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, golden jojoba oil, Hawaiian natural vanilla extract, essential oils of clary sage, organic coconut, Amyris, cognac, lime and lavender.