Me oe kuu mahalo You have my gratitude Greeting Card


Our Stacked card set is inspired by the act of giving lei to our loved ones for special occasions. Lei is a symbol of aloha and giving lei is an extension of aloha. It can be given as a symbol of love, friendship, to celebrate, or even honor someone. Often times for special occasions, we gift our loved ones with their lei punahele (favorite lei). Lei featured: puakenikeni, pakalana, pīkake, loke, kī.

Me ʻoe kuʻu aloha: my love is with you, sending love | Me ʻoe kuʻu mahalo: you have my thanks/gratitude

Aloha lā hānau: similar to happy birthday (not a trans-literal version, but rather Hawaiian perspective)

  • Card Measures 4.25 x 5.5 and includes an envelope
  • Blank Inside, perfect for personalization
  • 110# Bright Linen
  • Made in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 
  • Made with FSC Certified paper
  • Original artwork by Kākou Collective.