Li Hing Pickled Mango Vinyl Sticker



Pepili Wainola = Vinyl Sticker

2.2in x 2.9in original artwork of Li Hing Pickled Mango

A version of this artwork is used in our collaboration with Kaimade.

Li Hing* Pickled Mango are made from green (unripe) mangoes. The mangoes are peeled, sliced, and tossed with li hing mui* and/or li hing* powder. It’s then pickled for 24 hours in a solution of rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, sugar, and salt.  

*Li hing mui is the phonetic pronunciation of the Chinese characters (leoi + hang + mui) with its literal translation being traveling plum. It is a dried plum that has a tangy, yet sweet flavor. Li hing mui is often used when referring to the the dried plum vs. li hing refers to the ground plum that creates a powder.

Our pepili wainola (vinyl stickers) are weatherproof, printed on premium vinyl, resistant to: fading, scratching, tearing, and water. Dishwasher safe. Made in the USA